The trouser kite was one of my first inventions. About 1985.
I got patent for it in the USA and planned production with shopping
bag mashines 45 000 a week. Here a later famous transparent one.

I invented a new way to steer kites. About 2000.
I made a circus which had some performances in Finland.
Here a dancing man and an ostrich.
The steerable bull. It fills with air from the windside. The opening on the lee side is then closed. With a third line to the nose the bull can be turned to run the opposite way.
Nobody else has made any similar.However there is little wind in the picture.
There was a bullfight performance in Cervia and this kite could replace all the bulls in
Spanish bullfights and still keep the tradition alive. No bulls killed. And culture saved.
The wind cones had a very long development. I started experimenting in about
1983. Here a group of big cones. There are many special details.
The kite flies in full storm as well as in a little wind. Tails make it unstable. The
kites in the picture are from about 12 sqm ripstop.
The original European kite as well as the first soft kite in the world. A copy of the kite from 1405. My copy from about 2009. It is technically similar to the windcones.
Boolean parashutes are many and very big. But they don´t fly. At the time of the
Peking Olympics I tried to develope a flying Olympic symbol of 5 booleans.
The first flying rotating  boolean kite. The small middle golden point is heavy and makes the top bridles tight and the bottom loose so the thing flies in the right wind.
Trying to make the world´s smalles kite. 3 mm long and 3 mm diameter soft round boxkite. 2012. There might be some smaller, ant this was perhaps never really flying.
A muchs smaller is now under construction.
I call it the flying peppercorn. Made of carbon paper for copying, a very small
drop of glue and a monocord from a polyester line. The glue was too heavy.
Kite Development
  by Mårten Bondestam